Ivan Božičević
PINE WIND – excerpt
PINE WIND – excerpt
YOUTH AND OPTIMISM – string quartet (excerpts) ARTIST STATEMENT BIO Mark lives in Dallas, TX, where he is a full-time composer, performer (violin & viola) and arts entrepreneur. He is the founder of new music ensemble Neo Camerata, and non-profit event production organization Open Classical.
MANHATTAN SUITE NO.1 (excerpt) ARTIST STATEMENT My ambition, my dream, is to write something so beautiful and searing and simple that all of New York is devastated by it and listens to it on repeat. Once at the philharmonic, I sat across the aisle from a distinguished, bearded gentleman in his fifties. He was frowning thoughtfully at the symphony here and there in pained captivation. I’ve forgotten his actual face; he’s just come to mean ‘a New Yorker’ to me. In my mind, I swapped the Tchaikovsky with the piece I was writing at …
ADAGIO – solo piano (excerpt)
CAPRICCIO – solo piano (excerpts) ARTIST STATEMENT BIO